It is one of this days, when I ask myself - where is home?
Just had a dinner with colleagues, or rather said - friends from 10 different countries, delicious food was prepared by two lovely Indian guys (THANK YOU GUYS!!!!), but for the first time in Morocco I am not happy, because my home is not happy. Croatia, BiH and Serbia are facing the worst floods in lasr 120 years, I saw the map of how much of an area is flooded - looks like a see. And, thanks Good, it does not affect my family, but affected many other families, some of my friends, and I am not calm at all.
What can I do to help, is already done, now it only leaves to pray.
Thank one more time to ones who expressed their interest - this means a lot.
As few days before, I was not sure where my home is, now I am - where my thoughts are.